For fun they painted her blue and left her crying in the rain…

They Painted Her Blue For Fun Then Discarded Her Crying In The Middle Of The Rain… This poor little kitten was found crying in the middle of the rain. We have no words to express our anger right now! What drives a person to do this?

She had been painted blue with no care for her well-being. The paint had hardened on her fur, causing her immense pain and discomfort. It was evident that she had been used as a toy by heartless individual…

This poor little kitten was found crying in the middle of the rain. We have no words to express our anger right now! What drives a person to do this? She had been painted blue with no care for her well-being. The paint had hardened on her fur, causing her immense pain and discomfort. It was evident that she had been used as a toy by heartless individual…

How can someone even hurt little innocent kittens? I feel like those people are no humans. They must be soulless monsters. I am happy that you are a real rescue channel. I can see it in your eyes, that you really deeply care for these animals. There are too many fake rescue channels who put animals in such situations themselves to get views. I am happy that you are none of them. Thanks for helping these little souls ❤

Oh god what is bloody wrong with people in today’s society! Who would harm a defenceless animal So heartbreaking for this poor kitten, Thank-you so much for helping. ❤🙏

Seven months have passed!!!! Could we please see how she’s doing now? All those kisses and caresses along with the care and healthy food must have given her even more beauty now than she had then!

I am physically sickened at the cruelty done to this innocent little life. Thank you a million times for helping her heal and giving her love. May your kindness continue to spread in the world and come back to you tenfold.

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